- 1st Symposium (16-19.08.1984) - "The Personal Myth",
- 2nd Symposium (26-31.07.1988) - "Maternal Configurations and Psychoanalysis",
- 3rd Symposium (19-23.08.1992) - "Tragedy: Cultural and Psychoanalytical Visions",
- 4th Symposium (23-28.07.1996) - "Adult Sexuality and the Oedipus Complex",
- 5th Symposium (25-30.07.2000) - "Self Knowledge: Before and After Freud",
- 6th Symposium (27-31.10.2004) - "Psychoanalysis and the Human Body: Beyond the Mind-Body Dualism",
- 7th Symposium (24-28.10.2008) - "Psychoanalysis and Ideologies".
- Jacob Arlow (USA)
- Georgie Babatzanis (Canada)
- John Babatzanis (Canada)
- Janice de Saussure (Switzerland)
- Ian Graham (Canada)
- Andre Green (France)
- Martha Harris (UK)
- Peter Hartocollis (Greece)
- Pitsa Hartocollis (Greece)
- Otto Kernberg (USA)
- Paulina Kernberg (USA)
- Eva Lester (Canada)
- Donald Meltzer (UK)
- Anna Potamianou (Greece)
- Joanne Silove (UK)
- Martin Silverman (USA)
- Richard Simons (USA)
- Elizabeth Tuters (USA)
- Kaspars Tuters (Canada)
- Robert Wallerstein (USA)
- Ernest Wolf (USA)
- James Anthony (USA)
- Ilse Barande (France)
- Florence Begoin-Fuignard (France)
- Stavroula Beratis (Greece)
- Bernard Cramer (Switzerland)
- Alexis Diamantopoulos (Greece)
- Ian Graham (Canada)
- Peter Hartocollis (Greece)
- Rene Henny (Switzerland)
- Alex Holder (West Germany)
- Sudhir Kakar (India)
- Paulina Kernberg (USA)
- Eva Lester (Canada)
- Peter Neubauer (USA)
- Nicos Nicolaidis (Switzerland)
- Anna Potamianou (Greece)
- Jean Rudhardt (Switzerland)
- Michael Sakellariou (Greece)
- Albert Solnit (USA)
- Eleni Tzavara (Greece)
- Kostas Arvanitakis (Canada)
- Robert Emde (USA)
- Ian Graham (Canada)
- Peter Hartocollis (Greece)
- Max Hernandez (Peru)
- Daniel Iacov (Greece)
- Patrick Mahony (Canada)
- Nicos Nicolaidis (Switzerland)
- Francis Pasche (France)
- Bennett Simon (USA)
- Skura Meredith (USA)
- Donald Spence (USA)
- Harold Blum (USA)
- Friedrich-Wilhelm Eickhoff (Germany)
- Richard Friedman (USA)
- Judy Gammelgaard (Denmark)
- Andre Green (France)
- Charles Hanly (Canada)
- Pentti Ikonen (Finland)
- Otto Kernberg (USA)
- Osamu Kitayama (Japan)
- Julia Kristeva (France)
- Michael Parsons (UK)
- Hanna Segal (UK)
- Charles Socarides (Greece)
- Kostas Arvanitakis (Canada)
- Martin Bergmann (USA)
- Remo Bodei (Italy)
- Nancy Chodorow (USA)
- Rivka Eiferman (Israel)
- Judy Gammelgaard (Denmark)
- Andre Green (France)
- Ilse Grubrich-Simitis (Germany)
- Vasilis Karasmanis (Greece)
- Paulina Kernberg (USA)
- Eva Lester (Canada)
- Marios Markidis (Greece)
- Michael Parsons (UK)
- Charles Socarides (USA)
- Marilia Aisenstein (France)
- Janine Chasseguet-Smirgel (France)
- Glen Gabbard (USA)
- Peter Hartocollis (Greece)
- Horst Kachele (Germany)
- Vassilis Karasmanis (Greece)
- Otto Kernberg (USA)
- Martha Koukkou (Switzerland)
- Fred Pine (USA)
- Simo Salonen (Finland)
- Nikos Tzavaras (Greece)
- Thalia Vergopoulo (Greece)
- Marilia Aisenstein (Greece)
- Werner Bohleber (Germany)
- Ronald Skirrow Britton (UK)
- Jorge Canestri (Italy)
- Lambros Couloubaritsis (Belgium)
- Cl?udio Laks Eizirik (Brazil)
- Shmuel Erlich (Israel)
- Charles Hanly (Canada)
- Juan Pablo Jim?nez (Chile)
- Otto Kernberg (USA)
- Robert Michels (USA)
- Donald Moss (USA)
- Michael Parsons (UK)
- Myriam Revault d'Allonnes (France)
- Daniel Widl?cher (France)